March 5th was the first Sunday of Lent, and I was invited to play for the service at the First Presbyterian Church in Jacksonville, Illinois. For the first time, my daughter (now nearly 2 years old) was able to accompany me to “mama work.” With so many surrogate grandparents around, I knew she’d be in good hands while I was playing!
For the prelude, I played “Breathe on Me, Breath of God.” The special music was a harp solo version of “What Wondrous Love is This,” which is one of my personal favorites among Lenten hymns.
I accompanied the offertory with “O Sacred Head Now Wounded” and communion with “When Peace, Like a River.” The service concluded with the postlude voluntary “Just as I Am, Without One Plea.”
The music of the harp is the perfect addition to any worship service, for any season of the church year. My sacred repertoire includes Lenten, Easter, Advent, Christmas, and general hymns, and I am happy to work with your church choirs, vocal soloists, and instrumentalists in ensembles or as an accompanist.
Please visit my website ~ Central Illinois Harpist ~ for music lists, sound clips, and pictures, and to contact me for availability and a quote.