Classical Harp Music

Traditional Wedding Music & Classical Pieces

* – popular selection for a wedding ceremony

+ – can be performed on lever (Celtic) harp

Adagio; Albinoni +
Adagio from Sonata Op. 5, No. 10; Corelli
Adagio from Water Music; Handel
Advance Australia Fair +
Air from Festes de l’Ete; de Monteclair * +
Air from Water Music; Handel *
Air on the G String; Bach *
Air Processional; Clarke
Air Varie; Handel +
All These Woes! (Shakespeare); Weinzweig
Allegretto from Symphony No. 7; Beethoven
Allegro; Mozart
Alma del Core; Caldara
An Ayre; Clarke *
Andante from Double Mandolin Concerto; Vivaldi (harp duet)
Andiam, mio tesoro; Anonymous +
Angelus; Renie
Aria; Kuhnau
Aria from Rinaldo; Handel * +
Aria from Sonata for Flute; Vinci +
Arioso; J.S. Bach *
Ave Maria; Arcadelt +
Ave Maria; J.S. Bach/Gounod *
Ave Maria; Caccini 
Ave Maria; Mozart +
Ave Maria; Reinecke
Ave Maria; Schubert *

Harpist in Aix-en-Provence France

Bagatelle; Beethoven
Ballade; McDonald
Barcarolle; Grandjany +
Barcarolle; Offenbach
Blue Rock; Gustavson
Bouree from Music for the Royal Fireworks; Handel
Bridal Chorus (Here Comes the Bride); Wagner * +
Bridal March from Skjevik; Maalen * +

Cannelle from Epices; Andres +
Canon in D; Pachelbel * +
Cantique de Jean Racine; Faure *
Caro Mio Ben; Giordano +
Chaconne from The Fairy Queen; Purcell * +
Chanson Francais; Tchaikovsky +
Choral; Schumann
Chorus from Alceste; Gluck
Clair de lune; Debussy
Come, My Way, My Truth, My Life (The Call); Vaughan Williams *
Come Ye Sons of Art Away; Purcell +
Country Dance; Beethoven
Cradle Song; Gustavson +

Dance from Children’s Pieces; Bartok
Dance of the Blessed Spirits from Orpheus; von Gluck
Danse d’autrefrois; Renie
David’s Aria from Saul; Handel * +
Dedication; Franz *
Dodon’s Sleep from Coq d’Or; Rimsky-Korsakov +
Dreaming Through Metaphors; Adamo +

Detroit Wedding Harpist
Central Illinois Wedding Harpist

Eine Kleine Nachtmusik, Movements 1 & 2; Mozart
Esquisse; Renie

Fairest Isle; Purcell * +
Feuilles d’Automne; Hasselmans
Finale from Music for the Royal Fireworks; Handel * +
Finlandia (Be Still My Soul); Sibelius *
First Arabesque; Debussy
First Gymnopedie; Satie
First Trumpet Tune; Telemann +
Folia; Scarlatti
Follets; Hasselmans
Fur Elise; Beethoven

Gate of Kiev; Mussorgsky
Gavotte; J.S. Bach +
Gavotte; G.F Handel
Gavotte from Iphegenia in Aulis; von Gluck *
Gavotte Gracieuse; Haydn *
German National Anthem +
God Save the Queen
Gram’s Lullaby; Gustavson
Great Day; Gustavson
Ground in F, with Variations; Purcell +
Gymnopedie No. 1; Satie *
Gymnopedie No. 3; Satie +

Happy Farmer; Schumann +
Harmonious Blacksmith; G.F. Handel
Here Comes the Bride; Wagner * +
Hornpipe; Purcell
Hornpipe in G Major; Purcell *
Humoreske; Dvorak
Hymne; Vangelis *

I Giorni; Ludovico Einaudi
Impertinence; Handel
Intermezzo from Cavalleria Rusticana; Mascagni

Jesu, Joy of Man’s Desiring; J.S. Bach * +
Jupiter theme from The Planets; Holst

King William’s March; Clarke * +
Klinget, glockchen, klinget from The Magic Flute; Mozart +
Kola from Epices; Andres +

La Boiteuse; Rameau
La Gimblette; Andres +
La Rejouissance from Music for the Royal Fireworks; Handel * +
Larghetto; Handel
Largo (Winter) from The Four Seasons; Vivaldi *
Largo from Concerto in D for Guitar; Vivaldi +
Largo from New World Symphony; Dvorak *
Largo from Xerxes; Handel +
Le Cygne; Saint-Saens
Le Rouet; Hasselmans
Les Coucous Benevoles; Couperin
Liebestraume; Liszt
Lord’s Prayer; Malotte
Lullaby; Brahms +
Lullaby from Jocelyn; Godard

March from Occasional Oratorio; Handel
March from Scipio; Handel * +
March Pontifical; Gounod
Meditation from Thais; Massenet *
Menuet d’Exaudet; Exaudet
Minuet; Bach
Minuet; Handel
Minuet; Kuhnau +
Minuet; Telemann +
Minuet from Don Giovanni; Mozart +
Minuet in D minor; Zipoli
Minuet in E minor; Purcell
Minuet in E minor; Rousseau
Minuet in F; Mozart *
Minuet in F Major; C.P.E. Bach * +
Minuet in G from the Anna Magdalena Notebook; J.S. Bach
Minuet in G Major; Telemann +
Minuet in G Minor; Bach
Moonlight Sonata; Beethoven
Morning Greeting from Die Schone Mullerin; Schubert
Muscade from Epices, Andres +
Musetta’s Waltz from La Boheme; Puccini
Musette in D; Bach

Harpist in St. Louis
Plainfield IL Harpist

Nel cor piu non mi sento; Paisello
Nightingale; Henson-Conant
Nocturne; Grandjany
Nocturne; Grundman (harp and wind ensemble or orchestra)
Nocturne, Op. 9, No. 2; Chopin

O Cessate di Piagarmi; Scarlatti
O mio babbino caro from Gianni Schicchi; Puccini
Ode to Joy from Symphony No. 9; Beethoven * +
Ombra mai fu; Handel +
On the Nature of Daylight; Max Richter
On Wings of Song; Mendelssohn +

Panis Angelicus; Franck *
Passacaille; Handel
Passepied; Handel * +
Pavana Con Su Glosa; de Cabazon
Pavane; Faure
Pavane Style Renaissance; Wachs *
Pictures at an Exhibition; Mussorgsky
Pie Jesu; Faure
Pistache from Epices; Andres +
Polovtsian Dances theme; Borodin +
Prelude, Op. 28, No. 7; Chopin *
Prelude in C; Bach *
Prelude Symphonique, Op. 2, No. 10; Haussermann
Premiere Gymnopedie; Satie
Prince’s March; Young * +
Processional; Wood * +

Quick March; Weinzweig

Reflections; Robinson +
Reve d’amour; Faure
Reverie; Grandjany * +
Reverie; Hasselmans
Ribambelle; Andres
Rigaudon; Campra *
Romance; Palero
Romance Without Words (Bois Solitaire); Godefroid *
Romanza; Anonymous
Ronde de nuit; Hasselmans
Rondeau (Theme from Masterpiece Theatre); Mouret * +
Rondeau from Abdelazar; Purcell
Rouet; Hasselmans
Rugier, Glosado de Antonio; de Cabazon * +
Rumba from Suite of Eight Dances; Salzedo

Sarabande; Handel
Sarabande; Pachelbel
Se tu m’ami; Pergolesi
Second Arabesque; Debussy
Serenade; McDonald +
Serenade melancolique from Feuilles d’Automne; Hasselmans
Sheep May Safely Graze; Bach * +
Siciliana from Cavalleria Rusticana; Mascagni
Sleepers Awake; Bach
Soldiers March; Schumann
Solfeggietto; C.P.E. Bach
Sonata No. 9; Mozart
Sonate en Re; Albeniz
Sonatina; Beethoven
Sonatina in G; Haydn
Sonatina No. 3 in B-flat; Naderman
Song in the Night (Chanson dans la nuit); Salzedo
Spanish Dance; Bizet +
Spring (First Movement) from The Four Seasons; Vivaldi * +
Spring (Third Movement) from The Four Seasons; Vivaldi * +
St. Anthony Chorale; Haydn *
Suite No. 1; Purcell
Symphony No. 2, Mvt. 2; Beethoven

Harp Player Madison Wisconsin

Tango from Suite of Eight Dances; Salzedo +
Tango Triste; Ortiz +
Theme from Jupiter; Holst * +
Theme with Variations; Snoer +
Third Trumpet Tune; Telemann
Träumerei; Schumann
Triumphal March from Scipione; Handel
Trout Quintet theme; Schubert
Trumpet Piece; Purcell * +
Trumpet Tune; Purcell * +
Trumpet Voluntary; Clarke * +
Turkey Strut; Salzedo

Vers la source dans le bois; Tournier

Wachet auf, ruft uns die Stimme; J.S. Bach *
Waltz in G Major; Brahms
Waltz in G Major; Schubert +
Waltz in G# Minor; Brahms
Water Music (Adagio, Air, Allegro Maestoso, Allegro Vivace, Hornpipe, Minuet); Handel
Wedding March from A Midsummer Night’s Dream; Mendelssohn *
Winter (Second Movement) from The Four Seasons; Vivaldi *

Wedding Ceremony Music Chicago

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