Holiday Harp Music

Christmas Harp Music

+ – can be performed on lever (Celtic) harp

A Babe is Born All of a Maid +
A Babe is Born in Bethlehem +
A Baby in the Cradle
A Boy is Born in Bethlehem
A Caroling We Go
A Child is Born in Bethlehem +
A Marshmallow World
A Merry, Merry Christmas to You
All My Heart this Night Rejoices
Almost Day +
An Old Fashioned Christmas
Angels and the Shepherds +
Angels from the Realms of Glory
Angels We Have Heard on High +
Angelus ad Virginum +
As Each Happy Christmas +
As Lately We Watched
As With Gladness Men of Old
At the Hour of Midnight +
Auld Lang Syne
Away in a Manger +

Because it’s Christmas
Bell Carol
Birthday of a King
Blessed be that Maid Marie +
Blue Christmas
Boar’s Head Carol +
Bring a Torch, Jeanette, Isabella +
Burgundian Carol

Harp Music for Christmas Detroit

Carol of the Bells
Carol of the Birds
Caroling, Caroling
Cherry Tree Carol +
Chestnuts Roasting on an Open Fire
Chipmunk Song +
Christ is Born this Evening
Christ was Born on Christmas Day +
Christians Awake, Salute the Happy Morn +
Christmas Canon (Pachelbel’s Canon in D) +
Christmas Carol
Christmas Greeting
Christmas Is
Christmas is a Comin’
Christmas is Just About Here
Christmas Waltz
Come All Ye Shepherds
Come Hear the Wonderful Tidings +
Come Thou Long Expected Jesus
Cookham +
Coventry Carol
Cutty Wren (The Carmarthen Wren Song) +

Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy from The Nutcracker
Day, Bright Day of Glory +
Deck the Halls
Ding Dong +
Ding Dong! Merrily on High
Do They Know it’s Christmas?
Douglas Mountain +

Everyone’s a Child at Christmas
Everywhere, Everywhere, Christmas Tonight

Feliz Navidad
First Noel +
Friendly Beasts +
From Heaven Above to Earth I Come +
From the Eastern Mountains
Frosty the Snowman +
Fum Fum Fum

Live Christmas Music Peoria IL
Christmas Harp St. Louis

Gather Around the Christmas Tree
Gesu Bambino; Yon
Glad Christmas Bells
Glad Tidings
Gloucestershire Wassail +
Go Tell it on the Mountains +
Go Where I Send Thee
God Rest Ye Merry, Gentlemen +
Goin’ on a Sleighride
Good Christian Men, Rejoice +
Good King Wenceslas +
Greatest Gift of All
Green Grows the Holly +
Greenwillow Christmas

Hallelujah Chorus from Messiah
Happy Christmas Comes Once More
Happy Christmas Little Friend +
Happy Holiday
Happy New Year, Darling
Hard Candy Christmas
Hark the Herald Angels Sing +
Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas
He is Born, the Holy Child (Il est ne)
Hear Them Bells
Heard the Bells on Christmas Day
Here Comes Santa Claus
Here We Come a-Wassailing (The Wassail Song) +
Holly and the Ivy
Holly Jolly Christmas
Home for the Holidays
How Brightly Beams the Morning Star
How Lovely is Christmas

Christmas Harpist

I am So Glad on Christmas Eve +
I Heard the Bells on Christmas Day
I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus
I Saw Three Ships +
I Still Believe in Santa Claus
I Wish Every Day Could be Like Christmas
I Wonder as I Wander +
I’ll be Home for Christmas
I’m Spending Christmas with You
In the Bleak Midwinter +
In the Field with their Flocks Abiding
In This Town of Bethlehem (Nous voici dans la ville)
Infant Holy, Infant Lowly +
It Came Upon the Midnight Clear +
It Must Have Been this Mistletoe
It’s Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas
It’s Christmas Time All Over the World
It’s Just Another New Year’s Eve

Jesu, Joy of Man’s Desiring
Jesus Holy, Born so Lowly
Jingle, Jingle, Jingle
Jingle Bell Rock
Jingle Bells
Jolly Old St. Nicholas
Joseph Dearest, Joseph Mine +
Joy to the World +
Joyous Christmas

Last Christmas
Last Month of the Year
Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence +
Let it Snow! Let it Snow! Let it Snow! +
Let’s Have an Old-Fashioned Christmas
Lippai +
Little Drummer Boy
Lo, How a Rose E’er Blooming (Rosa mystica) +
Love is Christmas +
Lovely is the Dark Blue Sky

March of the Three Kings
March of the Toys from The Nutcracker
Mary had a Baby +
Mary’s Little Boy +
Mary’s Little Boy Child +
Masters in this Hall +
Merry Christmas Polka
Mister Santa
Most Wonderful Day of the Year
My Favorite Things from The Sound of Music

Neighbor, What has You So Excited? +
Night Before Christmas Song
Noel Noel
Noel nouvelet (Noel! A New Noel!) +
Nova! Nova! +
Nuttin’ for Christmas +

O Bethlehem +
O Christmas Tree +
O Come, All Ye Faithful (Adeste Fideles) +
O Come, Little Children (Ihr Kinderlein, Kommet) +
O Come, O Come Emmanuel (Veni Emmanuel) +
O Come, Rejoicing
O Hearken Ye +
O Holy Night
O How Joyfully +
O Little Town of Bethlehem
O Sanctissima +
Of the Father’s Heart Begotten (Corde natus es parentis) +
Old Toy Trains
On Christmas Night
Once in Royal David’s City
One Bright Star
One for the Little Bitty Baby
Out of the East
Over the River and Through the Woods +
Oxen and Sheep (Entre le boeuf) +

Holiday Party Music Champaign
Hire a Harpist Missouri

Past Three o’Clock (Carol of the London Waits) +
Parade of the Wooden Soldiers
Pastorale from Christmas Concerto; Corelli +
Patapan (Willie, Take Your Little Drum)
Personet Hodie +
Poor Little Jesus
Pretty Paper

Rejoice, All Ye Believers +
Rejoice and be Merry
Reward My Tidings, Sons of Eve (Dadme albricias, hijos d’Eva) +
Ring Out, Ye Wild and Merry Bells
Rise Up, Shepherd, and Follow
Rockin’ Around the Christmas Tree
Rudolph, the Red-Nosed Reindeer +

Santa Baby
Santa Bring my Baby Back
Santa Claus is Comin’ to Town
Santa Claus Parade
Seven Joys of Mary +
Shepherd, Awake (Besancon Carol) +
Shepherds’ Cradle Song +
Shepherds Hurried to Bethlehem +
Shout the Glad Tidings
Silent Night +
Silver and Gold
Silver Bells
Simple Birth
Sing We Now of Christmas
Sleep, Holy Babe
Snow Lay on the Ground +
Some Children See Him
Some Things for Christmas +
Star Carol +
Star of Christmas Morning
Star of the East
Still, Still, Still +
Sussex Carol +
Suzy Snowflake

Tennessee Christmas
That Christmas Feeling
There’s a Song in the Air
There’s No Christmas Like a Home Christmas
This Endris Night (The Other Night) +
This is Christmas
This One’s for the Children
To Drive the Cold Winter Away (All Hayle to the Days) +
Tomorrow Shall be My Dancing Day +
Twas the Night Before Christmas +
Twelve Days of Christmas

Up on the Housetop +

Venite adoremus +
Virgin Unspotted +

Wassail Song
Watchman, Tell Us of the Night
We are Santa’s Elves +
We Need a Little Christmas
We Three Kings of Orient Are +
We Wish You a Merry Christmas +
What are You Doing New Year’s Eve?
What Child is This? +
When Christ was Born of Mary Free +
When Christmas Morn is Dawning
When Santa Claus Gets your Letter
Whence Comes this Rush of Wings? (Voici l’etoile de Noel) +
Whence is that Goodly Fragrance? +
While by My Sheep
While Shepherds Watched Their Flocks +
White World of Winter
Winds through the Olive Trees
Wonderful Christmastime
Wonderful World of Christmas +

You Make it Feel Like Christmas
You’re All I Want for Christmas

Wedding Harpist Champaign IL
Banquet Music Des Moines

Hanukkah Harp Music:

Blessings Over the Candles (Chanukah Blessings) +
Chanukah, Chanukah +
Chanukah, O Chanukah
Hanerot Halalu +
Happy Hanukkah, My Friend
I Have a Little Dreydl (My Dreydl) +
Ma’oz Tsur (Rock of Ages) +
Mi Y’Malel
Ner Li +
Yodim Atem +

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